Wednesday 27 July 2016

Anglianbus Fleet Changes ~ Updated

With revisions to the Anglianbus network and timetables from Monday last, I eagerly awaited any fleet changes which are normally published on their website

LB02WYW heading to Sheringham
from Norwich during February 2015
With numerous rumours spreading throughout enthusiast social media, I expected a reduction in the number of vehicles in the operating fleet of 35. However, on Monday the operator published its latest fleet-list which showed the addition of two Wright Eclipse Geminis from Konectbus, namely 510 (LB02YWX) and 511 (LB02YWY)

To return to the rumour mill, I have been contacted by some enthusiasts from Plymouth who have asked whether there is any truth that any (or some) of Anglian's gasbuses are to be moved to the south west. Whilst the same rumour is spreading locally, I have not had any official confirmation that this may happen. This has been compounded by the fact that Plymothian Transit has also carried the same story

I leave you to form your own opinion but, as I have always said here, we report things as they happen and not the rumours of what might happen. However, this is one exception that I thought you all might like to be aware of!

Update: Graham Richardson of Plymothian Transit bus blog has had the move of the gas buses to the south west confirmed from within Plymouth Citybus. 'I have spoken to the boss myself and asked him' he says
(See also the comments below)



  1. The gas buses to Plymouth has been confirmed from within Plymouth Citybus. I have spoken to the boss myself and asked him!

  2. That appears to confirm that they WILL be moving to Plymouth - many thanks for the information Graham
