Thursday 26 October 2017

#TBT ~ Ambassador Travel G108HNG

Today's Throw Back Thursday features Ambassador Travel's Plaxton bodied Volvo B10M G108HNG which was new to the company in August 1989

It is seen here towards the end of its working life at Nelson Road North in Great Yarmouth. The date was 28th June 2007 and it was being employed on Bernard Matthews contract work. I am not aware of its withdrawal date but I suspect it is still at Ambassador Travel's site at Gapton Hall Industrial Estate.



  1. My walk to/from work takes me past the back of Ambassador's yard, they had a clear out of scrap coaches back in the summer using a low loader and huge V8 forklift, possibly MDF Transport's. Certainly the similar yellow and brown Plaxton coaches went then so I'd guess this one has gone now. The wrecks looked to be taken to the scrap yard off Vanguard Road, probably long-since crushed. There only looks to be a few more modern scrappers left in the yard now.

  2. Now correct me if I am wrong but didn't that get repainted? They had 2, a yellow and a black one which I remember seeing up to about 2 years ago still on the road.

  3. Thanks STick220 for the update supplied. Tim (suffolkraider) I believe these were two different coaches as G108HNG was in the fleet at the same time as yellow and black G262UAS. There was also a similar yellow G261UAS. See photos in the Ambassador album in our Flickr site
