Sunday 21 August 2016

Ex First Paragon For Sale

As most First Eastern Counties followers will know, the coach fleet includes two Plaxton Paragon bodied Volvo B12Ms formerly new to First Bristol. 20514/5 (WV02EUP/R) were part of a batch of five new in February 2002. The twosome have spent some of their time based at Great Yarmouth's Caister Road depot during their career but are currently allocated to First Norwich

Similar 20515 (WV02EUR) branded for X1 services at Lowestoft Bus Station in December 2013
Ryan Durrant tells me that one of the others is now available for sale at Used Coach Sales of Warrington. WV02EUU became 20517 with First Somerset & Avon and moved on to First Coaches
They were specially fitted with passenger lifts and initially operated under special dispensation on the Bath - London service. The advent of lifts within the front entrance meant that these vehicles remained unique.

20517 subsequently saw work with First Aberdeen and there is a photo of it lined up with other vehicles at the Granite city's King Street depot in August 2011 on Flickr. It also saw use with Ebdons Tours of Sidcup before ending up at Presidential Travel of Liverpool

If you are interested in details of the coach they can be viewed on the Used Coach Sales website HERE. My thanks to Ryan for making me aware of its availability


1 comment:

  1. What is also interesting about these is that they were the first coaches in the UK longer than 12m.
