Thursday 15 January 2015


As all Twitter followers will know, #TBT is an abbreviation for 'Throw Back Thursday' which provides an excuse to post old photos. The blog has often published old pictures under this subject and today is no exception

Regular contributor Tim Major has come up with this blast from the past and not only does his photo show an old bus but an historic street scene too

The location is the foot of Great Yarmouth's Haven Bridge, on the east side, and features a AEC Regent V with a Massey body of H33/28R configuration. CEX44 was delivered to Great Yarmouth Corporation in March 1959 and issued with fleet number 44

It is seen negotiating the roundabout on Hall Quay and is returning to the Town Centre from Gorleston Cliffs on service C. All Gorleston routes at that time were designated with letters instead of the usual numbering system. Closer inspection of the destination screen reveals via Southtown Station!

Thanks Tim for the great photo


  1. Great photo Roy. The ten new vehicles added to the fleet in 1959 were the first new vehicles to be delivered in the revised "Plymouth" style livery, introduced earlier in the year by Ralph Bennett. The Regents were great, the other six new vehicles were not. Awful beasts - I refer to the Nimbi of course.
    Incidentally, not all Gorleston routes were letter designated. Service 3 (the undertaking's longest route at the time) was Newtown - Gorleston Elmhurst via all three of the town's stations - Beach, Vauxhall (foot of bridge), and Southtown. Of course Beach was closed during that year.
    Happy days. I must be showing my age as I do not think of 44 as being an "old bus". The following year the new batch of vehicles were early examples of the Atlantean (1-4 DEX 701-4).

    1. Thanks for your detailed comment and additional information Mick
      When I posted the photo I thought it would provoke a response from you!
      Happy times indeed
