Friday 29 May 2020

First Update

With the Covid 19 Lockdown now being eased First will be increasing their frequencies again in June. Various delicensed Buses are now returning to service and we are told that Lowestoft Depot will also be reopening and operational again shortly.

Yarmouth based Gemini 37174 SF07FDE has been reinstated and noted this evening back on the 1 service to Martham. Another Gemini 32348 was noted heading in the opposite direction shortly before, the first time that two Olympia liveried Geminis rather than E400's have been noted in the village at the same time for a couple of months!

We have been told that 5 of the Excel liveried Scanias have returned to Kings Lynn for use in their normal enviroment which means some Blue Enviro 400's will move back to Lowestoft from Yarmouth also.

Thanks to First for the Info and Updates

Stay Safe, Grahame.

1 comment:

  1. Lowestoft was busy with various buses on the move earlier when I went past.
